
Input component CSS - import url

Input component CSS - HTML link tag

How to modify component as per need !

All input components have default border-styles, border-radius. For changing the values, just use the given css-variable below in :root selector of your CSS file. For changing the width of input field, css-variables of width are given for all. No need to use these variables if you wish to use the images as it is.

1. Input textbox

The above input textbox is completely customizable, using the css-variables given at the top.

2. Input Validation

By default HTML code for red error textbox is given below, hence class input-error in input element. To use the yellow warning textbox, replace class input-error with class input-warn. To use the green success textbox, replace class with input-success. All these input textboxes are completely customizable, using the css-variables given at the top.